Fatawa of Permanent Committee
The Foundling, Endowment, Wills, Inheritance, and Manumission
Waqf of the Mus-haf
Waqf of books and tapes
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Revoking a Waqf
Waqfs pertaining to cemeteries
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Waqf for inheritors
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Waqf of mortgaged property
Matters related to the validity of Waqf
Selling or transferring the Waqf
It is impermissible to change the effective Waqf to other ways
Ruling on allocating books as Waqf
Contributing in building a dwelling for the Imam of the Masjid to live in is a form of Sadaqah Jariyah
He dedicated as Waqf some sheep and died without telling his inheritors about their number
The establishment of commercial stores on the edge of a cemetery
Dedicating Waqf for sons
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Waqf of the Mus-haf
Ruling on writing on endowed Mus-hafs to show they are Waqf dedicated to a person who has died
Waqf of the Mus-haf
Giving Mus-hafs in charity on behalf of the deceased
Waqf of the Mus-haf
Taking a Mus-haf from the Sacred Mosque
Waqf of the Mus-haf
Designating Mus-hafs to be distributed in a specific way
Waqf of the Mus-haf
Someone entrusted to distribute Mus-hafs among pilgrims giving them to other people
Waqf of the Mus-haf
Waqf of books and tapes
Paying fees to borrow books from the Masjid library
Waqf of books and tapes
Storing the books from the Masjid while it is being renovated
Waqf of books and tapes
Agreement of all heirs as a condition for the validity of dedicating anything from the deceased's inheritance
Waqf of books and tapes
Permissibility of selling books and tapes that have been distributed among people, but not as Waqf
Waqf of books and tapes
Selling books distributed by the Ifta' or the League or replacing their duplicates with other books
Waqf of books and tapes
Replacing books on which it is written they are Waqf with similar ones
Waqf of books and tapes
Ruling on selling books and tapes donated by charitable organizations
Waqf of books and tapes
The enquirer asking everyone reading the letter to send blessings to the Prophet, Abu Bakr, and `Umar
Waqf of books and tapes
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Building a Masjid and dedicating it as Waqf
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Changing nothing in the Masjid that negates the endower's intention
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Dedicating a Masjid as Waqf built by a usurious loan
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Public interest
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Selling a Masjid and its debris to buy a bigger piece of land
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Knocking the Masjid down to build a public library
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Knocking down the old Masjid to build a public library
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Spending an endowed amount dedicated to a Masjid on poor people
Waqf of Masjids and their lands
Revoking a Waqf
A place allocated for Salah without dedicating it as Waqf is still considered the property of the allocator
Revoking a Waqf
Impermissibility of revoking a Waqf
Revoking a Waqf
Impermissibility of selling houses bought by Muslims and dedicated as Waqf to be Masjids, except when it is necessary
Revoking a Waqf
Impermissibility of heirs revoking the Waqf of a Masjid
Revoking a Waqf
Impermissibility of revoking Waqf of land dedicated to be a Masjid
Revoking a Waqf
Prohibition of disposing of an endowed land
Revoking a Waqf
The donor of land as Waqf for a Masjid may not reclaim it, even if it is not needed anymore
Revoking a Waqf
Dedicating land as Waqf to be a graveyard but later needing to utilize it for something else
Revoking a Waqf
Waqfs pertaining to cemeteries
Dedicating some cloths as Waqf to be shrouds for Muslims on the condition of returning the like
Waqfs pertaining to cemeteries
Impermissibility of taking a part of the land endowed as Waqf for the graveyard
Waqfs pertaining to cemeteries
Building schools in graveyards
Waqfs pertaining to cemeteries
Ruling on building schools on graveyards and roads
Waqfs pertaining to cemeteries
Impermissibility of using land dedicated as Waqf to be a graveyard in any other way
Waqfs pertaining to cemeteries
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Permissibility of changing the Waqf of the donor
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Dedicating some of his sheep as Waqf, provided that after his death an Ud-hiyah be slaughtered from them each year
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Dedicating two Ud-hiyahs as Waqf, one for herself and her father, the other for her husband and his parents, and wishing to dedicate a third for her r
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Impermissibility of specifying the fifteenth of Sha`ban to slaughter an endowed sheep
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Waqf after death following the ruling of a bequest
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Spending the compensation for knocking down the Waqf in the same way specified by the donor
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Impermissibility of donating amounts dedicated to Waqf for other projects
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Spending the money with the intention of joining her mother in the Waqf
Waqfs consecrated for sacrificing animals
Waqf for inheritors
Dedicating a Waqf to someone who has not yet attained puberty
Waqf for inheritors
Impermissibility of dedicating Waqf to some children to the exclusion of others
Waqf for inheritors
Dedicating a house as Waqf to one of his daughters, who was given compensation in exchange for the house after his death
Waqf for inheritors
Permissibility of dedicating as Waqf a piece of land to the deceased children
Waqf for inheritors
Including the descendents of the grandchildren in the beneficiaries from the Waqf dedicated to the grandchildren
Waqf for inheritors
Permissibility of children taking from yields of a Waqf dedicated by the father to support the needy amongst them
Waqf for inheritors
Dedicating a Waqf for his male offspring and their descendants, of which of which there were subsequently none
Waqf for inheritors
Impermissibility of a person dedicating their entire wealth as Waqf to their children
Waqf for inheritors
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Impermissibility of changing the recipients of Waqf unless its returns stop
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Permissibility of restoring a Waqf from the revenues of another from the same donor
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Impermissibility of depriving the Imam or someone else of the Waqf allocated to them even if they are granted other money
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Dedicating a Waqf whose returns stopped after a while
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Impermissibility of a Waqf administrator ceding anything from the Waqf to other purposes
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Dedicating land as Waqf for a certain purpose that prohibits spending the revenues on anything else
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Dedicating a Waqf to light the Masjid and feed the fasting people, when its returns will stop after a while
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Dedicating a Waqf for fasting people but having none to benefit from it
Changing the recipients of Waqf
Waqf of mortgaged property
Impermissibility of dedicating a mortgaged item as Waqf before settling its mortgage
Waqf of mortgaged property
Someone who first promised to dedicate his share in the mortgaged building as Waqf but later changed his mind
Waqf of mortgaged property
Matters related to the validity of Waqf
The donor stipulating that a portion of the income from the Waqf is to be given to the one who recites Surah Al-Fatihah or a Juz’ of the Qur’an dedica
Matters related to the validity of Waqf
Wishing to donate an amount of money to serve as Sadaqah Jariyah
Matters related to the validity of Waqf
Ruling on dedicating the heirs' money as Waqf without their permission
Matters related to the validity of Waqf
Disposing of the price of a Waqf sold after its returns ceased
Matters related to the validity of Waqf
Ruling on a Waqf which makes up more than one-third of the property dedicated by the competent donor with no intention of depriving the heirs
Matters related to the validity of Waqf
Selling or transferring the Waqf
Impermissibility of changing the purpose of Waqf
Selling or transferring the Waqf
Ruling on exchanging a Waqf land for a store that will be handed over to the Ministry of Awqaf
Selling or transferring the Waqf
Impermissibility of exchanging the house assigned as Waqf for another in another place
Selling or transferring the Waqf
Permissibility of exchanging endowed land for a better piece of land
Selling or transferring the Waqf
A donor whose endowed house is destroyed wishing to sell it and buy another house in another place for a higher price
Selling or transferring the Waqf
Obligation of spending the price of a sold Waqf on another similar one
Selling or transferring the Waqf
Someone suspecting that a part of the neighboring land assigned as Waqf came into his land
Selling or transferring the Waqf
An estate left by a deceased who bequeathed that part of its yield should be assigned to cover the expenses of Hajj for seven people, yet the yield ca
Borrowing from money dedicated as Waqf
Revenue from endowed land
Dedicating Waqf for sons
Ruling on allocating books as Waqf
Contributing in building a dwelling for the Imam of the Masjid to live in is a form of Sadaqah Jariyah
The establishment of commercial stores on the edge of a cemetery
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He dedicated as Waqf some sheep and died without telling his inheritors about their number
It is impermissible to change the effective Waqf to other ways