Fatawa of Permanent Committee
Zakah and Sawm
The merit of Sawm
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Fasting on the Day of Doubt
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
When can a traveler by plane break his fast?
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Menstruating women
Sawm of the elderly
Sawm of the sick
Sawm of a traveler
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Observing Sawm while studying
Intention of observing Sawm
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
Voluntary Sawm
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Invalidators of Sawm
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Fast on behalf of the deceased
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Voluntary fasting
Fasting some days and nights as a substitute of fasting the entire month of Ramadan
The two Hadiths of 'Fast and you will be healthy' and 'The sleep of a fasting person is an act of worship'
Congratulations on the coming of Ramadan
New moons, different risings of the moon, and astronomical calculations
Relying on the calendar for determining Sawm and `Eid
Using a computational method based on an allegedly implicit meaning of certain Qur'anic verses
Does the day begin from the time of Fajr or midday?
Should the one who fasts upon receiving the news of the beginning of Ramadan during the daytime make up for this day?
Not starting to fast when Ramadan commences claiming that a Shaykh has not commanded
Watching the crescent is the criterion of the beginning and end of Ramadan
Sighting the new moon determines the beginning and end of Islamic appointed times of rituals
Whoever completes Sawm in a country and travels to another finding its people still fasting
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The merit of Sawm
Salman's Hadith on the excellence of Ramadan
The merit of Sawm
A Muslim proving his ability to overcome needs and desires through Sawm
The merit of Sawm
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Sighting and verifying the sighting of Ramadan's crescent
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
The method of verifying the beginning of lunar months
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Fasting on the thirtieth of Sha`ban
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Following astronomical calculations in acts of `Ibadah
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Each person sighting Ramadan's crescent
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Disagreeing with the Muslim consensus regarding the sighting of Ramadan's new moon
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Taking different sighting places into account when determining the beginning of Sawm
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Permissibility of using meteorological tools to sight the new moon
New moons, different sighting locations, and astronomy calculations
Fasting on the Day of Doubt
Prohibition of fasting on the Day of Doubt
Fasting on the Day of Doubt
Fasting on the Day of Doubt does not make up for a missed day in Ramadan
Fasting on the Day of Doubt
Fasting on the last day of Sha`ban
Fasting on the Day of Doubt
Controversy between scholars over considering or neglecting the different sightings of the new moon of Ramadan
Fasting on the Day of Doubt
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
A traveler and the different places of sighting the new moon of Ramadan
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
Ending Sawm according to a sighting place in another country
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
Ruling on intravenous injections and ending Sawm according to a sighting place in another country
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
A traveler following the country in which he resides
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
A Muslim fasts when the country in which he resides fasts
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
A traveler starting to fast according to the country from which he sets out and ending his fast according to the country to which he travels
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
A traveler starting to fast with his home country and ending fast with the country he travels to
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
A traveler to a foreign country following his homeland in fasting
A Muslim moving from one country to another during Ramadan where the beginning and end of Sawm are different
When can a traveler by plane break his fast?
A traveler by plane should not break fast based on the time on the watch or a phone call
When can a traveler by plane break his fast?
Time of Iftar for a person on a plane during Ramadan
When can a traveler by plane break his fast?
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Fasting of someone who abandons Salah after fasting Ramadan
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Fasting of someone who abandons
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
What is the ruling on a woman who
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Is a person who observes Salah
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Abandons fasting Ramadan
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Obligation of fasting for a legally accountable person
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Should an eleven-year-old girl,
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Both sane males and females reach
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
A 12 or 13 year-old girl did not
Abandoning Sawm intentionally
Menstruating women
Verifying menstrual blood
Menstruating women
Women using medication to prevent menstruation during Ramadan
Menstruating women
A woman's ignorance of Islamic rulings
Menstruating women
Ruling on a woman who does not know the exact days she broke her fast due to her menstruation
Menstruating women
Ignorantly abandoning making up for the missed days of Ramadan due to the menses
Menstruating women
A man performing Istinja' for breaking wind and a woman seeing blood at the time of her menses
Menstruating women
A fasting woman menstruating before sunset
Menstruating women
Duration of postpartum bleeding
Menstruating women
Sawm of the elderly
Ruling on feeding the needy by those who are unable to fast Ramadan
Sawm of the elderly
An elderly mother who is unable to fast Ramadan
Sawm of the elderly
Sawm of an elderly man
Sawm of the elderly
An elderly person and an asthmatic person during Ramadan
Sawm of the elderly
Sawm of a gastric ulcer patient
Sawm of the elderly
Salah and Sawm of an elderly patient
Sawm of the elderly
Sawm and Kaffarah of a heart patient
Sawm of the elderly
Ransom of Sawm missed by the deceased
Sawm of the elderly
Sawm of the sick
Salah and Sawm of an elderly patient
Sawm of the sick
Sawm and Taharah of a woman who inserts her finger or another object in her vagina
Sawm of the sick
A patient who cannot fast Ramadan
Sawm of the sick
A bronchial asthma patient
Sawm of the sick
Taking medications during the day of Ramadan
Sawm of the sick
The disease that cancels the obligation of Sawm
Sawm of the sick
Sawm of a kidney patient
Sawm of the sick
Non-observance of Sawm by someone whom fasting may harm
Sawm of the sick
Sawm of a traveler
Ruling on offering Salah and observing Sawm during travel
Sawm of a traveler
Nonobservance of Sawm by a traveler during Ramadan
Sawm of a traveler
The validity of the Hadith 'Whoever fasts will have one reward and whoever breaks their fast will have two rewards'
Sawm of a traveler
Having sexual intercourse during the day of Ramadan while on a journey
Sawm of a traveler
The distance allowing shortening Salah during travel
Sawm of a traveler
Truck drivers during Ramadan
Sawm of a traveler
A Muslim traveling by plane from Riyadh to Cairo in Ramadan
Sawm of a traveler
The duration of shortening Salah
Sawm of a traveler
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
Bleeding after miscarriage
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
Observance or non-observance of Sawm for a pregnant woman in Ramadan
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
A pregnant or a breastfeeding woman fearing for her health or her baby's during Ramadan
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
A pregnant woman discharging some fluid during Ramadan
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
The passage of years without observing Sawm or making up for the missed days
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
A pregnant woman's concession not to fast during Ramadan
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
Postpartum period after miscarriage
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
A woman who did not fast in Ramadan for three years
Sawm of a pregnant woman and a breastfeeding mother
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a shepherd
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a patrolling policeman
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a farmer during the harvest
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a policeman
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for workers who are overtaxed by work
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Sawm of workers who do physically hard jobs
Sawm while doing a difficult job
A fifteen-year-old boy breaking Sawm during Ramadan
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a baker
Sawm while doing a difficult job
Observing Sawm while studying
Concession of breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a student during exams
Observing Sawm while studying
Exams are not a valid excuse for breaking Sawm in Ramadan
Observing Sawm while studying
Intention of observing Sawm
Having the intention of Sawm from the previous night
Intention of observing Sawm
Invalidity of Sawm without a prior intention
Intention of observing Sawm
Intention materializes by having the resolution to fast
Intention of observing Sawm
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Intentionally drinking water during Sawm
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Intentionally eating during the daytime in Ramadan
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Using eye drops during the daytime in Ramadan
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Vaccinating students during Ramadan
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Diabetes injection during Ramadan
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
A fasting person being treated with injections, intravenous or intramuscular, during the day of Ramadan
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Applying kohl or cosmetic creams during the daytime in Ramadan
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
A fasting person applying kohl
Annulments of Sawm that require no Kaffarah
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
Sexual intercourse during the daytime in Ramadan
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
It occurred that during one of
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
''My husband had sexual intercourse
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
Had intercourse with his wife during
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
Having sexual intercourse during
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
What is the ruling on a man having
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
I had intercourse with my wife
Causes necessitating making up missed days and Kaffarah
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
Tasting food while fasting
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
A fasting person swearing at and calling others names
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
In Ramadan, is the Sawm (Fast)
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
How long should the interval between
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
Make the intention to observe Sawm,
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
If someone is observing Sawm (Fast)
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
A man ordered his thirteen year old daughter
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
While traveling during Ramadan,
Reprehensible and desirable acts during Sawm
Voluntary Sawm
Collective Iftar banquet after voluntary Sawm
Voluntary Sawm
Offering voluntary Sawm before making up for the obligatory
Voluntary Sawm
Supererogatory Sawm with two intentions
Voluntary Sawm
Days permissible for voluntary Sawm
Voluntary Sawm
The best days for voluntary Sawm and the best months for paying Zakah
Voluntary Sawm
Fasting three days each month as a substitution for fasting Mondays and Thursdays
Voluntary Sawm
Discontinuing a habit of voluntary Sawm
Voluntary Sawm
Drinking water thinking it is still night while offering voluntary Sawm
Voluntary Sawm
Observing I`tikaf at any time
Conditions of I`tikaf
When a person observing I`tikaf enters the Masjid
Rooms inside the Masjid
Hadith about the excellence of I`tikaf
Ending I`tikaf
Specifying a day to observe I`tikaf
Observing Laylat-ul-Qadr
Fondling one's wife while fasting
Kissing and fondling during Sawm
Meaning of fondling during Sawm
Fondling during the daytime of Ramadan without intercourse and reaching orgasm
What did `Aishah mean when she said: He used to kiss and fondle me?
Fondling his wife, he had an erection and ejaculated while fasting
Kissing and fondling during Sawm
Engaging in foreplay with the wife and discharging semen while observing Sawm
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Meaning of Imsak
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Delaying Iftar
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Should a fasting person break his Sawm if they are invited to a banquet?
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Fasting without having Suhur
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Breaking the Fast before Adhan is proclaimed
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
One should break the fast upon witnessing sunset
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Breaking the fast when the sun sets
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Breaking fast upon verifying that the sun has set and declined below the western horizon
Among the issues of Imsak and Iftar
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Is the Fast valid if menstruating after Iftar?
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Menstruating or newly delivered women delaying making up for the missed days of Ramadan
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Not making up for the days of fasting missed by a menstruating woman
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Not observing Sawm due to the lack of food
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Fasting while menstruating or during postpartum period
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
The person who must make up for fast missed till becoming old or disabled
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Making up for fasting and intentionally missed Prayer
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Delaying making up for the missed days of Sawm until the following Ramadan
Fasting of the menstruating and newly delivered woman
Invalidators of Sawm
Invalidators of Sawm
Invalidators of Sawm
Drinking after the Adhan
Invalidators of Sawm
Doubting whether or not dawn has broken and wanting to eat Suhur
Invalidators of Sawm
Drinking after Adhan is made
Invalidators of Sawm
Hearing Adhan of another city and breaking Fast
Invalidators of Sawm
A person used to stop drinking in Ramadan after hearing Iqamah for Fajr Prayer
Invalidators of Sawm
He continued to eat till the Iqamah for Fajr Prayer was being pronounced
Invalidators of Sawm
Hearing Adhan being proclaimed before its due time and beginning to have Iftar
Invalidators of Sawm
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
A person broke his Sawm during Ramadan deliberately
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Should the Kaffarah for the missed day of Sawm be feeding a Miskin for an entire day or just one meal?
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Does feeding children to pay Kaffarah suffice?
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
A man had sexual intercourse with his wife during the daytime in Ramadan being ignorant of the ruling and the Kaffarah
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Feeding the poor as a Kaffarah should extend for sixty days
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Breaking fast one day deliberately in Ramadan
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Having sexual intercourse without ejaculation in the daytime in Ramadan entails Kaffarah
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Having sexual intercourse with the wife during Ramadan assuming that dawn has not broken yet
Kaffarah for the missed fasts
Fast on behalf of the deceased
Whoever dies while missing some days of fast, his heir must fast on his behalf if possible
Fast on behalf of the deceased
Fasting on behalf of one's wife before making up for the days one missed
Fast on behalf of the deceased
He died before making up for some days of Ramadan he missed to fast
Fast on behalf of the deceased
My grandfather died without making up for the days of Sawm he missed after his illness
Fast on behalf of the deceased
Whoever dies while missing some days of fast, his heir must fast on his behalf
Fast on behalf of the deceased
A man works in a non-Muslim country and was forced not to fast during Ramadan
Fast on behalf of the deceased
A deceased woman never made up for the missed days of fast due to the monthly period out of ignorance
Fast on behalf of the deceased
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Failing to fast four Ramadans during war and becoming too old to make up for them
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Not making up for the missed days of fast in Ramadan due to menstruation and not knowing their number
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Having sexual intercourse with one's husband during the daytime in Ramadan while menstruating and about to take Ghusl
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Having sexual intercourse with one's husband while making up for the missed days of Sawm in Ramadan
Making up for the missed days of Fast
A woman had her menstrual period
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Breaking compensatory Sawm, thinking it is the same as voluntary Sawm
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Intentionally breaking compensatory Sawm and ruling on having sexual intercourse during this day
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Breaking Sawm in Ramadan for a Shar`y excuse and breaking its compensatory Sawm before Zhuhr Prayer due to ignorance
Making up for the missed days of Fast
Voluntary fasting
Fasting for the sake of fulfilling something needed
Voluntary fasting
Days on which it is prohibited to observe Sawm
Voluntary fasting
Observing voluntary Sawm before making up for the missed days of Ramadan on the part of a woman
Voluntary fasting
Should priority be given to making up for the missed days of fast or to fasting six days from Shawwal?
Voluntary fasting
A woman observing voluntary Sawm without her husband's permission
Voluntary fasting
Someone observed Sawm on the Two `Eids
Voluntary fasting
Breaking Sawm in the daytime in Ramadan
Voluntary fasting
Observing voluntary Sawm on behalf of the deceased
Voluntary fasting
Can Laylat-ul-Qadr be seen in a dream or while one is awake?
Signs of Laylat-ul-Qadr
The two Hadiths of 'Fast and you will be healthy' and 'The sleep of a fasting person is an act of worship'
Each country should begin Sawm upon sighting the new moon
Using a computational method based on an allegedly implicit meaning of certain Qur'anic verses
Does the day begin from the time of Fajr or midday?
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Fasting some days and nights as a substitute of fasting the entire month of Ramadan
Having intention to fast from the previous night
Should the one who fasts upon receiving the news of the beginning of Ramadan during the daytime make up for this day?
New moons, different risings of the moon, and astronomical calculations