Exams are not a valid excuse for breaking Sawm in Ramadan

Q: Is being occupied by exams a valid excuse for breaking Sawm (Fast) during Ramadan? Here, there is a spread of fatawa permitting a student who fears that he may be distracted or absentminded to break his Sawm during Ramadan. Moreover, is it permissible to obey the orders of one's parents, influenced by such fatawa permitting breaking the Sawm, to break the Sawm? I hope that Your Eminence will give me a quick reply for such fatawa have a bad public effect. May Allah reward you well!

A: School exams and suchlike are not considered valid excuses for breaking Sawm (Part No. 10; Page No. 241) during the daytime of Ramadan. Moreover, it is not permissible to obey the orders of one's parents to break Sawm because of exams, for indeed no creature may be obeyed in what constitutes disobedience to the Creator. Rather, obedience (to somebody) is required when he enjoins what is good as stated in the authentic Hadith the Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
