The Kudrah as a part of menstruation entailing breaking Sawm

Q 8: I had my menses during Ramadan. Actually, it has a regular pattern of six days. However, last Ramadan it continued for only five days and I had doubts regarding its continuation to the sixth day. On the sixth day, at 6 A.M., I got up to find no bleeding but Kudrah (dusky-colored vaginal discharge during or after menstruation). I was unsure whether my period had already ended before or after dawn. Now, what should I do in this a case? Should I make up for the fast of the day I doubted? Please, be informed that I took Ghusl (ritual bath) and offered Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer, and I abstained from eating and drinking since 4 A.M., that is, before seeing the Kudrah. Praise be to Allah, I continued fasting that day and on the subsequent days without noticing (Part No. 9; Page No. 54) any bleeding except for the Kudrah.

A: Your regular pattern of menstruation lingers for six days and the Kudrah is part of your menstruation period, and you did not see the white discharge, which indicates that the period was over. Now, you should make up for the sixth day on which you fasted, as it is a continuation of your menstrual period.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
