Some people may dream during Ramadan

Q: A-Is it permissible to practice swimming during Ramadan?B-If one has an injury in one's hand or leg, for example, during Ramadan, does this nullify one's Sawm (Fast)?C-If one wears perfume, does this nullify one's Sawm? (Part No. 10; Page No. 281) D-Do cursing and swearing at others nullify one's Sawm?E-Is it permissible to play and have fun during daytime in Ramadan?

A: (a) Swimming is permissible during the day in Ramadan, but the swimmer must take care to avoid letting water reach their stomach. (b) If a person observing Sawm has an injury in their hand or leg and bleeds, their Sawm is not nullified due to this. (c) If a person observing Sawm applies perfume to their body or clothes, their Sawm is not nullified. Yet applying it to one's nose renders one's Sawm nullified. (d) Cursing and swearing are not permissible neither in Ramadan nor in any other month. Yet this is strictly prohibited for a person observing Sawm and whoever does this becomes sinful, though their Sawm is not nullified. (e) A person observing Sawm should safeguard themselves from play and fun and seek to draw closer to Allah through fulfilling His orders and avoiding what He prohibited. They should keep away from anything, whether an end or a means, that would distance them from Allah and divert them from worshipping Him.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
