Performing compensatory Sawm for Ramadan in the future


Q 2: My mother is 58 years old. She became ill on 7 Rajab, 1418 A.H, which resulted in being handicapped. Later, she began to recover, all praise be to Allah. She did not perform Sawm (Fast) in Ramadan, so that she would be able to take her medications and eat, because she suffered from incontinence, may Allah safeguard you. Should we feed Miskins (needy people) on her behalf? Is she obliged to offer Kaffarah (expiation), and what is its amount? (Part No. 9; Page No. 119

A: If your mother is able to perform compensatory Sawm for Ramadan in the future after recovering, she should wait till then. She should perform compensatory Sawm, and she is not obliged to offer Kaffarah. However, if her illness is permanent and she cannot perform compensatory Sawm in the future, she should feed a Miskin for each day in which she broke her Sawm an amount of half a Sa` (1 Sa` = 3 kg. Approx.) of the staple food of the country.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
