Observing Sawm while discharging Kudrah without blood due to taking pills

Q: In Ramadan of the years 1416 and 1417 A.H., I took pills to stop the menstrual period. But I noticed that after approximately ten days, there were Kudrah (dusky-colored vaginal discharge during or after menstruation) and Sufrah (yellow vaginal discharge during or after menstruation) fluids still being emitted. The discharge was sometimes light brown, sometimes yellow, and sometimes tended to be black in color. But I fasted because the menstrual bleeding did not occur until the night of `Eid-ul-Fitr (the Festival of Breaking the Fast). Was my Sawm (Fast) in these days valid? If it was not valid, what should I do, bearing in mind that I did not count the number of days of Sawm I might have missed? I strove hard to count them but I failed. Should I offer Kaffarah (expiation) instead? Please give me a Fatwa on this question. May Allah reward you and benefit others through your knowledge.

A: If Kudrah and Sufrah were emitted on days outside those of your menstrual period, then these secretions are not of your menstruation, and a woman in this situation may normally offer Prayer and observe Sawm. This is according to the saying of Um `Atiyyah (may Allah be pleased with her) who was one of the female Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet Muhammad): "We used not to regard (Part No. 9; Page No. 63) Kudrah and Sufrah after Tuhr (purity of menstruation) as being part of our menstruation period." But, if Kudrah and Sufrah are noticed during the menstrual period, then they are considered menstruation fluids according to the meaning of the saying of Um `Atiyyah that we have mentioned above.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions.
