Masturbating at night during Ramadan

Q 2: A Muslim fellow, may Allah guide him, asked me about the ruling on performing the act of masturbation during the night of Ramadan. He wants to know if the ruling on this is like the ruling on performing the act of masturbation during the day of Ramadan.

A: The act of masturbation is forbidden, so it is impermissible to perform it by day or by night. It is more offensive and detestable to do that in Ramadan because the act of masturbation is considered a violation of the sacredness and honor of such a holy month. If a person performs the act of masturbation during the day of Ramadan, the following things are Wajib (obligatory) on them:1- Offering sincere Tawbah (repentance to Allah) for such an abominable act.2- Completing the Sawm (Fast) of the days when he masturbates and his Sawm is rendered invalid.3- Making up for the days when his Sawm was rendered invalid after Ramadan.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
