Making up for the missed days of Sawm during illness throughout four years


Q 1: A person fell ill and was hospitalized; therefore, he did not perform Sawm (Fast) for some days in Ramadan, but later recovered. He performed compensatory Sawm for some of the days of the previous Ramadan, then the following Ramadan came and he did not make up for the previous missed days. Is it permissible for him to make up for these days after the second Ramadan, as he intends to make up for them?

A: This person should continue making up for the days in which he did not perform Sawm due to his illness, even after the next Ramadan. Moreover, he should feed a Miskin (needy) for every day of Sawm he missed and delayed without a legal excuse till the next Ramadan came. Q 2: A person was once ill for four years, in which he did not perform Sawm. He became healthy from ten years and performs Sawm, (Part No. 9; Page No. 121) but has not made up for the missed days of Sawm in the previous four years during which he was ill. What should he do? A: The person in question should perform compensatory Sawm for the days of Ramadan in which he broke his Sawm throughout the four years he was ill. In addition, he should feed a Miskin for each of these days because he delayed the compensatory Sawm till a following Ramadan has come without a legal excuse.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
