Feeling the taste of food after beginning Sawm


Q 1: One day during Ramadan I had some tea (Part No. 9; Page No. 193) at Suhur (pre-dawn meal before the Fast). I slept without washing my mouth. When I woke up, the taste of tea was still in my mouth. Do I have to make up for that day?

A: Your feeling of the taste of tea after waking up in the morning does not invalidate your Sawm (Fast), as you drank the tea before the break of the second dawn. Therefore, your Sawm is valid and you are not required to make up for that day. Q 2: One day during Ramadan I felt I had swallowed water as I was performing Madmadah (rinsing the mouth). What is the ruling on that? A: Unintentional swallowing of water while performing Madmadah (rinsing the mouth) does not invalidate the Sawm (Fast). One is not required to make up for that day. This is based on the Ayah (Qur'anic verse) in which Allah (Exalted be He) states: Allâh burdens not a person beyond his scope. However, to be on the safe side, one may make up for that day if they happen to rinse their mouth or sniff water excessively. This is to avoid the divergent opinions of scholars. This is based on the Hadith in which the Prophet (peace be upon him) forbade excessive rinsing of the mouth. The Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said to Laqit (Part No. 9; Page No. 194) ibn Sabrah: Sniff with water well except when you are fasting. Q 3: One day during Ramadan, which was the month that I reached puberty, I remember that I had masturbated or something similar. I did not know that the Sawm (Fast) was more than just abstaining from food. So, when I became aware that I had invalidated my Sawm, I ate a piece of bread. How can I make Kaffarah (expiation) for that day? A: Whoever stimulates himself by masturbating or causes himself to discharge semen while not in the act of having sexual intercourse, his Sawm is invalid. Accordingly, you are required to make up for that day. If no semen is discharged, the Sawm remains valid; however, you must offer sincere Tawbah (repentance) to Allah for committing this illicit act. You should not have broken your Sawm by masturbating, but because it was done out of ignorance, you are only required to offer sincere Tawbah and make up for that day. If, without a valid excuse, you happen to delay making up for that day until the next Ramadan has started, you must make up for that day as well as feed one Miskin (needy) for that delay. (Part No. 9; Page No. 195) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
