Can a man make up for the missed

Q: My eighteen year old son died five days ago, he was a student in the university of King `Abdul-`Aziz. He had only missed one day of last Ramadan because of a car accident on the first day of Ramadan. This accident resulted in his right thigh and left hand being broken and he left the hospital after treatment to the house which was not air conditioned much to his suffering because half of his body was covered with a splint that makes him feel extremely hot. He offered Sawm on the following days until the end of Ramadan after the house was provided with air conditioners. What is the ruling in this regard? I would like to inform you that he did not make up for that day, and (Part No. 10; Page No. 375) the physician advised him to stop fasting so that his broken bones would heal and because of his need for healthy nutrition.

A: If the state is as you have mentioned, that your son had a car accident and had to break his Sawm on the first day of Ramadan due to him being unable to fast, then died before making up for that missed day, there is nothing due upon him. His relatives are not obliged to make up the missed day on his behalf or to pay Fidyah (ransom), as Allah (Exalted be He) says: Allâh burdens not a person beyond his scope. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
