A mother delaying making up for missed days of Sawm due to breastfeeding

Q: Last Ramadan, my mother was in her postpartum period, and after Ramadan she was breastfeeding. She wanted to make up for the missed Sawm (Fast), but she feared for her baby. She could not offer Kaffarah (expiation), until this Ramadan came. Please guide us. What should she do concerning the last Ramadan, bearing in mind that she is fasting this Ramadan. Is it permissible for her sons to fast on her behalf or should she offer Kaffarah, and if so, how? May Allah reward you with the best.

A: Your mother has to make up for the days on which she broke her Sawm during the past Ramadan, even if this is after the next Ramadan. There is no Kaffarah due on her, because she did not overlook making up her Sawm, and she just delayed this due to breastfeeding her baby.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
