Zakah on the house offered for sale

Q 2: I have a building that two years ago I offered for sale, but not with a view of trade. I actually live in it and lease part of it. The reason why I am offering it for sale is that if I get a good price for it, I will sell it, otherwise I will invest it through leasing some of its flats plus my living in it. Yet eight months ago, I decided to sell it and now it is sold. My question is: Is Zakah (obligatory charity) due on its price now or upon the passage of a Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) from the time of its selling? (Part No. 8; Page No. 236

A: With regard to building offered for sale, Zakah becomes due on it upon the completion of a Hawl from the time of the intention to sell it. It must be evaluated upon the passage of the Hawl and one quarter of one tenth of its value should be paid as Zakah.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
