Zakah on the entire amount of overdue debt not repaid despite claiming it from the debtor

Q: I am the manager of an industrial company that manufactures pharmaceutical products and provides them to a number of clients in both the public and private sector. The outstanding debts due to us for the Hijri (lunar) years: 1413,1414,1415, and1416 are several hundred million Riyals. The company exerted strenuous efforts in following up and claiming these debts and it took all possible measures in this respect. However, a long time has passed and the company is still unable to collect the debts, which has made the company unable to redeem and manage its money for the sake of exploring further opportunities and realizing profits. Out of the company's concern to pay full Zakah (obligatory charity) to the Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) of its shareholders' money, it presents to Your Eminences this query regarding paying Zakah on its overdue debts, in terms of possessions, growth and the passing of Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches its minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) on them, having been unable to collect them from the debtors; and how is Zakah calculated after redeeming the debts partially or totally. Is the company obliged to pay Zakah for the entire amount of overdue debt which it was denied from redeeming despite claiming it from the debtor? (Part No. 8; Page No. 134

A: If the debt is with an insolvent person, or an able but procrastinating debtor from whom the creditor finds himself unable to redeem his money, then the latter is not obliged to pay Zakah until the money is received and a Hawl passes while it is in one's possession. However, if the debtor is able to pay and the creditor is likely to receive his money, then, the creditor is obliged to pay Zakah for that debt as long as a Hawl passes and the debt reaches the Nisab, by itself or by being added to some other money or property of the creditor.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
