Zakah on the capital of a company for selling and renting cars

A: 1- Zakah is due upon the cash in the fund of the corporation when a Hawl has passed while it is in the possession of the corporation, even if it was subject to increase or decrease. 2- Zakah is due on the debts due to the corporation payable by leaseholders and employees if a Hawl passes while they are in the possession of the corporation, as long as the debtors are able and do not stall in paying it back. 3- Zakah is due upon the sums of invested money and their profits if a Hawl passes and it is still in the corporation's possession. 4- Zakah is due on the land bought for the purpose of investment. Zakah is now assessed in accordance with the estimated value of the land at the time of the passing of the Hawl, whether this value was equal to, greater or less than the value of the original price. 5- Zakah is not due upon things that are meant to be put in use, such as buildings, constructions, furnishings and so on. 6- Concerning used cars that are bought in order to be operated to yield an income, Zakah is due (Part No. 8; Page No. 150) on the total sum of its returns: all the returns of the different branches of the corporation must be collected and Zakah should be calculated according to that sum, provided that a Hawl has passed. 7- The corporation's debts and obligations do not excuse it from paying Zakah due on its commercial transactions. 8- Zakah is due upon the vehicles that are bought for the purpose of selling them and making profit, according to its original value at the time of the passing of a Hawl. The profits are also liable to Zakah if a Hawl passes while they are in the possession of the owner. 9- It is permissible to give part of the Zakah to deserving workers in your corporation, if their salaries are not sufficient to sustain them, as long as the corporation does not reap any benefit from giving them this Zakah; like giving Zakah to the person who is already indebted to the corporation. In that case it is not permitted to give him a share of Zakah funds. The same applies if the Zakah is given to make him more enthusiastic in doing his job or encourage him to stay in.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
