Zakah on money that was spent on establishing a clinic and a Masjid

Q 1: Firstly: we have a government-run clinic which has a committee taking care of its needs. The members of the committee collected from their own money Sadaqah (voluntary charity) for the sake of covering the shortages in the requirements of the clinic. A whole year has elapsed now and Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) passed over some of the saved money. Is Zakah (obligatory charity) Wajib (obligatory) on it? What is the ruling on this?Secondly: there is a sum of donations similar to the aforementioned sum of money, and it is in the possession of the committee of a Masjid (mosque). It is a charitable committee whose efforts are dedicated to carrying out repair works in the Masjid and to look after it. A year has elapsed now while some of such money is in possession. What is the ruling concerning it? Is Zakah Wajib on it? Please advise on this matter. May Allah reward you with the best!Thirdly: there is a sum of money issued by the Ministry of Endowments for the purpose of providing the district mosque with lights and water. A year has elapsed now while part of this money is in possession. What is the ruling of Zakah on this some of money? A 1: If these funds, which were collected form people as donations (Part No. 8; Page No. 199

A 1: If these funds, which were collected form people as donations (Part No. 8; Page No. 199) to supply some of the clinic's provisions and to undertake repair works at the Masjid, will not be returned to their donors, Zakah is not Wajib on them even if Hawl passes. This is because they become no more the ownership of the donors once donated for such facilities.Similarly, there is no Zakah on the issued money from the Ministry of Endowments for the purpose of providing the district Masjid with lights and water, even if Hawl passes. Rather, it should be spent in the intended purpose of issuing.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
