Zakah on employees'' salaries

Q: Someone asks about zakah on employees' salaries, is it obligatory to pay it when they get paid or after one lunar year has passed?

A: There is no doubt that paying Zakah on cash money is obligatory. One of the conditions that makes Zakah obligatory is the passage of a full lunar year. Zakah is due on the money someone puts aside from their salary, if it reaches the Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) on its own or when added to other money, provided that they are kept for a lunar year. We do not need to use Qiyas (analogy) with the Zakah due on agricultural products, as it is proven by a religious text that the obligation for Zakah on cash comes after a lunar year, and so there is no need to use Qiyas when there is a text. Therefore, Zakah is not due on an employee's salary, unless they have saved it for one full lunar year.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
