Zakah on cash, real estate and shares

Q: My father died leaving, for me, a legacy in the form of: 1) a leased real estate; 2) cash money; and 3) shares in a company. Kindly explain the amount of Zakah (obligatory charity) due on me as well as its due time. The details of my case are as follows:1 - As for the cash, I have spent most of it on my needs and that of my family. A Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) has passed on only a quarter of it. Thus what is the ruling?2 - As for the leased real estate; part of it was sold, whereas another part of it remained for investment. The money we received in return for the sold part, more than half of it was spent, and a Hawl passed on less than half of it. Thus what is the ruling?3 - As for the shares in the company; some of them were sold and the price was spent immediately. We still have the remaining shares whose market price wavers in a steady decline until they reached half the value that they originally were. What is the ruling on each of the mentioned parts? It is worth mentioning that the company gave me 5% of the value of my shares as profits. Is Zakah due on these profits? Please relieve me with your answer, so that I can fulfill what is due on me In sha'a-Allah (if Allah wills). May Allah reward you with the best. A: As for the cash money, the amount on which a Hawl has passed, if it has reached the Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) or more, Zakah becomes due on it. The rate of Zakah that must be paid is 2.5%. It should be known that you should pay Zakah on the profits when one Hawl has passed for the capital. (Part No. 8; Page No. 161

A: As for the cash money, the amount on which a Hawl has passed, if it has reached the Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) or more, Zakah becomes due on it. The rate of Zakah that must be paid is 2.5%. It should be known that you should pay Zakah on the profits when one Hawl has passed for the capital. (Part No. 8; Page No. 161) As for the leased real estate, there is no Zakah due on the real estate itself. Rather, there is Zakah due on its lease provided it reaches a Nisab by itself or through joining it to your other profits and a Hawl passes on it, beginning from the date of the contract.With regard to the commercial commodities one either sells or buys, Zakah becomes due on them provided they reach the Nisab and a Hawl passes on them. Zakah should be paid on their profits along with them. The Hawl of the profits is that which passes on their original money.As for the fixed stock intended for investment but not for sale, such as real estate, factories and so on, Zakah becomes due on their yield upon the passage of a Hawl since receiving them, provided they hit the Nisab.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
