Zakah given by one to his brother

Q 2: Is it permissible to pay Zakah (obligatory charity) to a brother who is single? Is it permissible to pay Zakah to one's parents, in case the son is married and live independently from them?

A 2: There is a difference among scholars on paying Zakah to a brother based on the fact that the giver is entitled to inherit from taker upon the latter's death. It is preferable to give him from money other than that of Zakah in order to be clear from the divergent opinions of scholars. However, according to the more correct of the two opinions maintained by scholars, it is permissible if one gives Zakah to his brother due to the latter's abstract poverty. On the other hand, it is impermissible to pay Zakah to one's parents, for their basic Nafaqah (obligatory financial support) is obligatory upon their son, if they are in need. (Part No. 8; Page No. 369) May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
