What is the ruling on holding shares in companies

Q: The owner of a grocery that sells vegetables, fruit, canned foods, cheese, olives, stationery, newspapers, and other items that are usually sold in groceries, made an inventory of the goods and then entrusted them to someone else to work in the grocery selling and buying what the grocery requires. The person will pay a certain sum of money to the owner. Is this considered as the indefinitely long-term farm leasing and the like, or what is the situation?

(Part No. 14; Page No. 314)  A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, this agreement is Haram (prohibited) as it contains great Gharar (uncertainty). It can be made permissible if the grocer pays the person working there a specified daily or monthly wage or a known percentage of the profit. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
