To work for Riba (usury/interest)-based banks


Q: I am a policeman, working at the police station in the Sacred Capital, in the Department of Civil Rights; Office of Installments. Due to the nature of my work in this office, both debtors and creditors agree to settle debts in monthly installments through the office in which I am an employee. The problem is that commercial banks, such as the National Bank, the Bank of Riyadh, and other banks submit complaints about their customers, and these are referred to the Banks Department to take necessary steps. However, most people agree between themselves and the bank to settle the amount in monthly or annual installments. The case is then transferred to my office, which is entrusted with collecting the due installments from individuals and delivering them to the bank. If there is a late payment, the individuals are requested to pay. My question is: Is there anything in what I am doing that is Islamically prohibited?

A: If the transaction that is submitted to you is between two parties, a creditor (Part No. 15; Page No. 63) (a commercial bank) and a debtor (an individual for example), and you are certain that it is a Riba (usury/interest)-based transaction, it is not permissible for you to record the agreement of re-payment of the debt in installments. This is because it involves cooperating in sin and transgression. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
