They threw the pebbles at the three Jamarat on the first and second of the Days of Tashriq


Q 1: What is the ruling on people who performed Hajj, and when it was the Days of Tashriq (11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) they wanted to hasten and hence they threw the pebbles at the three Jamarat (stone pillars marking the pebble-throwing area, Jamarat-ul-`Aqabah being the closest to Makkah) on the first and second of the Days of Tashriq. Then they went to Makkah before the sunset on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah and spent the night there and did not throw pebbles on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah; should they offer Dam (atonement required of a pilgrim for a willful violation of a prohibition or obligation while in the ritual state for Hajj and `Umrah) or not?

A 1: Anyone who throws three Jamarat on the 12th of Dhul-Hijjah and was in a hurry, should leave Mina before sunset and does not have to throw pebbles on the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah, whether they stayed in Makkah or elsewhere.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
