The rate of Zakah due from twenty thousand riyals

Q 1: We live at Al-`Abadil in the city of Jizan where we have farms of Qat (Khat: leaves and buds that are habituating stimulants when chewed or used as a tea). However, the government ordered that the Qat be cut, but offered fifty (50) Riyals for cutting every seedling. I obeyed the orders and cut the Qat, so I received a large sum of money, more than twenty thousand (20.000) Riyals.1- Is it Wajib (obligatory) for me to pay Zakah (obligatory charity) on this money? 2- If it is Wajib, should it be paid upon receipt, or after the passing of a Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due [in case the money is still in one's possession])?3- In addition, if it is Wajib to pay Zakah, what is the due amount: is it one tenth, half of that, or a quarter? A 1: If you have already received this money from the State, and a Hawl passed, it is Wajib (obligatory) (Part No. 8; Page No. 208

A 1: If you have already received this money from the State, and a Hawl passed, it is Wajib (obligatory) (Part No. 8; Page No. 208) to pay Zakah, and the amount due here is 2.5 %.
