The Hadith: 'Do not call me master'


Q 2: Is there a Hadith reported from the Messenger (peace be upon him) that reads: "Do not call me master"? Is it an authentic or a weak Hadith? Does the Hadith that reads: "I am the master of the Children of Adam" weaken the first Hadith? What is the Takhrij (referencing) of the two Hadiths if they are authentic? Is it permissible to call the Messenger by the title "master" in the Adhan (call to Prayer) and Tashahhud (testification recited in the sitting position in the second/last unit of Prayer)?

A: The Hadith that reads: "la tusawiduni" [do not call me master] commonly pronounced as "la tusayiduni" has no origin as Al-`Ajluny, the author of Kashf Al-Khafa', transmitted it.As for the Hadith that reads: I am the master of the Children of Adam on the Day of Resurrection and no pride (arrogance). It is a part of a long Hadith related by Imam Al-Tirmidhy from Abu Sa`id Al-Khudry. He said it is Hasan Sahih (a Hadith that stands at a higher level than a mere Hasan Hadith, but at a bit lower level than Sahih).As for calling the Messenger (peace be upon him) by master in other than the Adhan, Iqamah (call to start the Prayer) and Salah, it is permissible according to the Hadith mentioned above.As for the Adhan, Iqamah and Tashahhud in Salah, a Muslim should recite what is reported in the Sunnah and add nothing to it because the Adhan, the Iqamah and Salah are acts of worship. (Part No. 3; Page No. 266) All acts of worship are Tawqifiy (bound by a religious text and not amenable to personal opinion) and must be performed only according to textual evidence.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
