The death of someone standing beside a police car when another car collided with it

Q: I am a police officer working in the district of Al-Qunfudhah. On 18/9/1407 A.H., at 2:30 P.M., during my night shift, I drove my colleague from Qunfudhah to the district of Muzhaylif. While we drove to the main road, we saw a herd of camels walking along the sides of the road. I stopped the car and got out to push the camels away. My colleague did not get out. Having made sure that the road was empty, I drove the camels to cross the road. Only one camel stood in the middle of the road. Ten meters away from it, I threw stones at it to push it away from the road. At that time, a car hit it and then hit our car standing along the sidewalk. As a result, my colleague who stood beside the car was killed. Since then, (Part No. 21; Page No. 482) I am not at peace with the world. It should be noted that the traffic police decided that the driver who hit the camels is fully responsible for the accident and my colleague's death. I fear that I share part of responsibility because of my driving the camels away from the road. I hope your Eminence will tell me whether I am sinful and have to offer Kaffarah (expiation) or not. It is noteworthy that the driver has paid the Diyah (blood money). May Allah preserve you!

A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, you will not be sinful. It is the driver, not you, who caused the accident and the death.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and Companions!
