The beginning of the period of wiping over the Khuffs


Q: Many people wash their feet during Wudu' (ablution) for Dawn (Fajr) Prayer, and then they wear their Khuffs (leather socks) with the intention of wiping over them in the next Wudu'. At Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer they wipe over their Khuffs. Then they take them off and pray. Then they put them on again. They count the day and night period of wiping starting from Zhuhr Prayer. Also, they may wipe over their Khuffs in the Wudu' of `Asr (Afternoon) Prayer. Then they take them off and pray `Asr. After that they wear their Khuffs, and count the day and night period from `Asr Prayer. Is this right? A: It is prescribed that when ordinary socks or Khuffs are worn after having performed Wudu' for Fajr (Dawn) Prayer, then they are wiped over for the first time while making Wudu' for Zhuhr Prayer, the period of wiping starts from the first time of wiping over them, according to the correct opinion maintained by scholars. The period of wiping is one day and night for a resident, and three days and nights for a traveler.Once the person takes off the socks or Khuffs that have been wiped during Wudu' after passing into a state of Hadath (ritual impurity that invalidates ablution), the state of Taharah (ritual purification) of that person is invalidated due to taking them off, according to the majority of scholars. (Part No. 4; Page No. 101

A: It is prescribed that when ordinary socks or Khuffs are worn after having performed Wudu' for Fajr (Dawn) Prayer, then they are wiped over for the first time while making Wudu' for Zhuhr Prayer, the period of wiping starts from the first time of wiping over them, according to the correct opinion maintained by scholars. The period of wiping is one day and night for a resident, and three days and nights for a traveler.Once the person takes off the socks or Khuffs that have been wiped during Wudu' after passing into a state of Hadath (ritual impurity that invalidates ablution), the state of Taharah (ritual purification) of that person is invalidated due to taking them off, according to the majority of scholars. (Part No. 4; Page No. 101) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
