Swearing not to sin but sinning


A: If this man swore by Allah once that he would not commit this Munkar and then committed it once or repeatedly, he has to offer one Kaffarah. Likewise, if he swore by Allah many times not to commit this Munkar, then he repeated it one or several times before paying the Kaffarah, he has to pay only one Kaffarah.However, if he swore by Allah not to repeat this Munkar, then he did and paid the Kaffarah, then swore again, broke the oath again and paid the Kaffarah, and so on, he should pay as many Kaffarahs as he broke his oaths. If he does not know the number of broken oaths, he should pay Kaffarahs according to what is most likely for him. Given that he is unable to provide food to the poor or clothe them or free a slave, the Kaffarah obligatory upon him is fasting for three days. (Part No. 23; Page No. 33) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
