Sufis looking in Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh as stated in 'Tanwir Al-Mu'minat'

Q: In a book entitled "Tanwir Al-Mu'minat (Enlightening the Believing Women)" by `Abdul-Salam Yasin, the leader of a Moroccan Islamist organization called Al-`Adl wal-Ihasan (Justice and Charity), vol. 1, p. 290, first edition, 1996, he wrote, "Great Sufis like Al-Ghazaly look into Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh (the Preserved Tablet), so what will my status be as I am one in the darkness of ignorance? Ibn Taymiyyah reads in Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh and foretells future events. How is this possible! Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh and knowledge of Ghayb (the Unseen) are read by Ibn Taymiyyah? Yes, indeed. (Part No. 2; Page No. 11) I may provide you with the number of the page and volume of the book entitled ''Madarij Al-Salikin'' by the smart student of Ibn Taymiyyah in which he relates the discussion he held with his Shaykh (Ibn Taymiyyah) who informed him that Muslims will win a battle against Tatars and that he obtained this piece of news from Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh."Respected Shaykh, Sufis are known for their myths, lies and deviation from the sound `Aqidah (creed), but words like these cannot be uttered by prominent scholars who believe in the Oneness of Allah, particularly Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah and his student Ibn Al-Qayyim. Is what is attributed to these two great Shaykhs Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn Al-Qayyim correct? Is it true that Shaykh-ul-Islam looked into Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh and foretold future events? Is this an accusation that Sufis make against those who follow Tawhid (belief in the Oneness of Allah)? Have men, messengers, or anyone ever looked into Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh? In the same book, vol. 2, p.37, the author wrote, "The diligent student [Ibn Al-Qayyim] received the latest writings of Ibn Taymiyyah in the prison where he died. The writings included a letter in which the scholar Ibn Taymiyyah bitterly blamed his students for lack of Wajd (a very high degree of love; ecstasy)."In the same volume, it is written, "I wish they would read Fatwas (legal opinion issued by a qualified Muslim scholar) of the Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah from cover to cover (Part No. 2; Page No. 12) to read about amazing beliefs in the reasonably partial Hulul (a Sufi term meaning indwelling) and see how this truthful scholar reproached his fellows for their need of Wajd from the prison where he died."What is the meaning of Wajd from a Sufi perspective? Is it true that Shaykh-ul-Islam sent a letter to his students informing them that they lacked Wajd?Respected Shaykh, there are two other catastrophes in another book written by `Abdul-Salam Yasin, namely, "Nazharat fi Al-Fiqh wa Al-Tarikh (Glimpses on Islamic Jurisprudence and History)", first edition, June, 1989. In page 37, the author wrote, "Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) informed us that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is lenient, kind, and merciful with the believers, and Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) revealed to him many matters of the Ghayb that his Nation will face until the Hour comes. The Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with them) conveyed to us some of these matters and forgot many of them."In pp. 39-40, he added, "Two Hadith related by Muslim make obedience to the ruler contingent on two conditions; (i) he should lead the Muslim Nation according to the Qur'an (ii) he should establish Salah (prayers) among people. On the other hand, it is the responsibility of the believers to distinguish whether the ruler leads by the Qur'an or not as well as to evaluate the (ruler's) performance of Salah, i.e. Its meaning and practical implications. The noble Messenger (peace be upon him) (Part No. 2; Page No. 13) whom Allah supported with Revelation made reference to the points of Predestination disclosed to him by Allah to give us advice. He did not predict what was preordained by detailing what should be kept hidden or specifying what must be concealed until its due time comes or defining the two governing conditions. The Prophet (peace be upon him) remained silent so that every person would bear his own responsibility and that mankind should have no plea against Allah after the Messengers."On the contrary, Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) says in (Surah Al-Ma'idah, 5: 67): O Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم)! Proclaim (the Message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message. Allâh will protect you from mankind. Verily, Allâh guides not the people who disbelieve. Is it permissible to join this organization whose leader adopts these thoughts? He is presently under house arrest. How can we advise members of this movement, which is widely spread in Morocco among youths and students?

A: What is written in the book mentioned above that a scholar, or a particular person knows the matters recorded in Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh is sheer falsehood. That is because the matters of Al-Lawh-ul-Mahfuzh pertain to (Part No. 2; Page No. 14) the Ghayb that none knows except Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He). Allah (Exalted be He) says: Say: “None in the heavens and the earth knows the Ghaib (Unseen) except Allâh” He (Exalted be He) also says: "(He Alone is) the All-Knower of the Ghaib (Unseen), and He reveals to none His Ghaib (Unseen)." Except to a Messenger (from mankind) whom He has chosen (He informs him of unseen as much as He likes) Concerning joining Islamic movements, it is obligatory on the Muslim to follow the groups that adhere to the Qur'an and Sunnah (whatever is reported from the Prophet) and the way of the Salaf (righteous predecessors). As for Wajd, it is a Sufi term signifying great love, and was not used by Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah among his students or anyone else. Rather, he used to advise people to follow the Qur'an and Sunnah and warn against the Bid`ah (innovation in Islam) of Sufis and others.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
