Some person used to work as an accountant in an interest-based bank but he quitted his job. Should he pay Zakah?

Q: I have a brother who used to work as an accountant in an interest-based bank. He quitted his job after my urging him to do so, and out of his conviction of the impermissibility of working in such banks. A year has passed now and he has not found a new job and does not have any source of income. Is it permissible to give him all of my Zakah (obligatory charity)? Please note that my mother lives with him in his home, and he pays towards her food and other expenses.

A: If the case is as you have mentioned, that your brother has not found a job and in his condition he is a deserving recipient of Zakah, then it is permissible for you to give to him your Zakah due to his poverty. (Part No. 8; Page No. 371) You should give him of your Zakah the provisions that suffice his needs for a year. Having your mother living, eating, and drinking with him does not invalidate paying Zakah to him. It is the case and need of the recipient of Zakah which is taken into consideration. Once Zakah is paid to the deserving recipient, such a recipient becomes the owner of this money and can dispose of it freely in accordance with Shari`ah rulings. Paying Zakah to him in this case should not be a indirect means to help him financially support your mother, if she is poor.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
