Salah of a Ma'mum in front of the Imam


A: The Imam should stand in front of the Ma'mums. If they (Part No. 7; Page No. 411) stand in front of him, their Salah is considered invalid according to the saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him), The Imam is appointed only to be followed. Also because the authentically reported narrations indicate that the Prophet (peace be upon him) used to stand in front of the Ma'mums. This is the view of Abu Hanifah, Al-Shafi`y, and Ahmad. Ibn `Abdul-Bar reported that Imam Malik considered it undesirable for a Ma'mum to stand in front of the Imam, however if he does so, he does not have to repeat Salah. It is reported that Imam Malik said that if a Ma'mum performs Salah in front of the Imam with no excuse, he should repeat the Salah. But the soundest view is that of the majority of scholars which states that the Salah of a person in front of his Imam is invalid. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, Pray as you have seen me praying. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
