Ruling on Zakah on the funds received from benevolent people for charitable activities upon the passage of a Hawl

Q: The Charitable Organization for Teaching the Noble Qur'an at Abha has in its possession the funds of Zakah (obligatory charity) and Sadaqahs (voluntary charity) collected from some benevolent people. Some of these funds have been transferred to us this year 1413 A.H. Others were transferred the last years. We want to fulfill or obligations that may be due on these amounts of money. So, we want to ask: Is there Zakah Wajib (obligatory) due on them? If yes, what is its percentage, especially those amounts which many Hawls (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) had passed on them while they are in our possession? A: There is no Zakah due on the donations of benevolent people which are in the possession of the Charitable Organization, even if Hawl passes on them. These amounts of money are intended to support the needy and they have no specific owner. Zakah is Wajib on the money which has a certain owner. It should be known that it is impermissible to delay the paying of sums of Zakah (Part No. 8; Page No. 200

A: There is no Zakah due on the donations of benevolent people which are in the possession of the Charitable Organization, even if Hawl passes on them. These amounts of money are intended to support the needy and they have no specific owner. Zakah is Wajib on the money which has a certain owner. It should be known that it is impermissible to delay the paying of sums of Zakah (Part No. 8; Page No. 200) for their beneficiaries after the due time.May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
