Ruling on performing Janazah Prayer over the deceased multiple times

Q: What is the ruling on performing Janazah (Funeral) Prayer over the deceased multiple times? In other words, if a person dies (Part No. 7; Page No. 259) in the city of Al-Ta'if, for example, where Janazah Prayer is offered over him there; then the body is moved to some village outside the city for burial there, is it permissible that Janazah Prayer be offered over him again by the inhabitants of the village? Is it permissible for one who has already offered Janazah Prayer over the dead the first time to offer it again with those who have not performed it? Should the Janazah Prayer offered the second time be performed in the Masjid (mosque) of the village or outside it? With regard to a person who is killed in execution of a Had (ordained punishment for violating Allah’s Law) or Ta`zir (discretionary punishment) or as a victim, should they be washed and shrouded or not?

A: There is no problem in offering Janazah Prayer over the deceased more than one time. For example, if Janazah Prayer is offered over them by a group of Muslims and then a second group comes, who has not offered the Janazah Prayer, they can offer Janazah Prayer over the deceased either in congregation or individually, either in the Masjid or the graveyard, and either before burial or over their grave after the burial within the period of one month. With regard to a person who is killed as a victim or in execution for a Had or Ta`zir, they should be washed, shrouded, Janazah Prayer offered over them, and buried in the graveyards of Muslims provided that they are a Muslim.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
