Paying Zakah to the poor and giving to undeserving people in fear of their tongue-lashing

Q 2: Is it permissible to give Zakah (obligatory charity) to middle-class or well-off people? Some generous people give me their Zakah money to distribute among the poor in my country, but I find that those who ask for Zakah are as previously mentioned and some are aged people whose sons are rich and daughters are married. Is it permissible for me to give them some of this money? It is noteworthy that if I refrain from doing so, they rend to resent, tongue-lash, and revile me. Given that, praise be to Allah, there no longer exists miserable poor people at this time; what is the solution for that? Is it permissible for me to refrain from taking the Zakah of these generous people who do not live in this country, or should I give the mentioned people a small sum?

A: First: If you get to know or are almost sure that the income of any of them is not sufficient, you should give them what suffices their need. As for those who are maintained by others, such as a wife by her husband, children by their father, or parents by their son; if they are poor or needy, you should also give them according to their need. But, if they are in no need, you should not give them anything even if they become angry, and scold or revile you. (Part No. 9; Page No. 430)  Second: If you are unable to face those who ask for Zakah without right or are unable to distribute Zakah to its Shar`y recipients, you should not accept this responsibility. You should leave it to honest and strong people who can fulfill what Allah has prescribed concerning this matter.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
