One must know the transactions


(Part No. 14; Page No. 299)  A: The basic rule is that it is permissible to buy shares in any company which deals in lawful transactions and avoids Riba (usury/interest) and other unlawful dealings. If the company conducts unlawful transactions such as usury, then contributions are not permissible. Consequently, if any of these shares are in companies which deal in usury or any unlawful matters, the shares must be withdrawn and profits should be given to the poor and the needy. As guardian of the minors, you should refer to a judge to guide you on what you should do and to explain the jurisdictions of your guardianship in order to ensure the rights of the minors and free yourself of any responsibility charge [in front of Allah]. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
