Offering Zhuhr Prayer after Jumu`ah Prayer


Q 1: We live in Kihasah which is under the communist Chinese rule. Some people say that offering the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer is not sufficient in such (Part No. 7; Page No. 100) a non-Muslim country, rather, the Zhuhr (Noon) Prayer should be offered as well out of prudence after the Jumu`ah Prayer. Is that true or is it sufficient to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in congregation?

A: The Jumu`ah Prayer is obligatory for the resident Muslims, whether they live in a Muslim or a non-Muslim countries. In this case, the Jumu`ah Prayer alone is sufficient and offering the Zhuhr thereafter out of prudence is a Bid`ah (innovation in religion) and every Bid`ah is misguidance. Hence, this should not be done.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
