Offering Witr before the Imam starts the congregational Fajr Prayer in case of not offering it before the break of dawn

Q 2: If a person does not pray Witr (Prayer with an odd number of units) until the break of Dawn, should they pray it before praying Fajr (Dawn) Prayer if time allows them to do so before the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) starts the congregational Salah (Prayer)? Besides, should they perform it in one or two Rak`ahs (units of Prayer)? A: Time for Witr Prayer starts after the performance of `Isha' (Night) Prayer and it is a Sunnah Ba`diyyah (supererogatory Prayer performed after an obligatory Prayer on a regular basis) and continues until the time of Al-Fajr-ul-Sadiq (true dawn) begins. However, it is preferred that a person delays the performance of Witr Prayer until the last part of the night provided that they are able to do so and they are not afraid they may miss Witr because of being asleep etc. On the other hand, if the time for Al-Fajr-ul-Sadiq starts before a person prays their normal voluntary night Salahs (Prayers) or before they pray Witr; they may make up for the Salahs that they missed (Part No. 6; Page No. 60

A: Time for Witr Prayer starts after the performance of `Isha' (Night) Prayer and it is a Sunnah Ba`diyyah (supererogatory Prayer performed after an obligatory Prayer on a regular basis) and continues until the time of Al-Fajr-ul-Sadiq (true dawn) begins. However, it is preferred that a person delays the performance of Witr Prayer until the last part of the night provided that they are able to do so and they are not afraid they may miss Witr because of being asleep etc. On the other hand, if the time for Al-Fajr-ul-Sadiq starts before a person prays their normal voluntary night Salahs (Prayers) or before they pray Witr; they may make up for the Salahs that they missed (Part No. 6; Page No. 60) after sunrise and add one Rak`ah (unit of Prayer) to their Witr to make it Shaf` (two units of Prayer). Accordingly, if a person normally prays five voluntary Rak`ahs during the night; they are to pray six Rak`ahs in pairs each with an independent Taslim (salutation of peace ending the Prayer). Likewise, if a person normally prays eleven Rak`ahs, they are to pray twelve Rak`ahs in pairs each with independent Taslim and so on. Proof for the foregoing is the Hadith which is authentically reported on the authority of `Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) who said: When sleep or pain overpowered the Prophet (peace be upon him) and made it impossible (for him) to observe the Witr, he used to offer twelve Rak`ahs during the daytime. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
