Offering Jumu`ah Prayer on two


Q 1: Is it permissible to offer the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer in a Masjid (mosque) where it was not intended to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer at the time of building it? Does a Muslim who intends to build a Masjid have to inform the other Muslims (Part No. 8; Page No. 264) in the town that this Masjid is intended to hold the Five Obligatory Daily Prayers and the Jumu`ah Prayer, or is the Jumu`ah Prayer valid there even if the builder does not mention so when building the Masjid?

A: If the situation is as you have mentioned, there is no harm in offering the Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer in addition to the congregational Prayer if there is a Shar`y (Islamically lawful) reason. The fact that the Masjid was intended for the congregational Prayer only does not prevent offering the Jumu`ah Prayer in it, whether before or after its construction. We have not heard that any scholar stipulated this; it is a groundless stipulation that has no basis in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Q 2: Is it permissible to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in many Masjids in a large town if there is more than one Masjid, or should all the Muslims in the town gather to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer and leave the rest of the Masjids, even if there are Imams (leaders of congregational Prayer) in each of them? A: It is permissible to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in more than one Masjid in the same town if necessary, such as when the town is too big, the Masjid is too far or too crowded, or there is fear of Fitnah (temptation). In this case, it is permissible to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in more than one place, (Part No. 8; Page No. 265) as it is offered in many countries in more than one place without the objection of any of scholars, so it is considered Ijma` (consensus of scholars). This was mentioned by the great scholar Ibn Muflih in his book entitled "Al-Mubdi` Sharh Al-Muqni`". Al-Tahawy and other followers of Imams (initiators of Schools of Jurisprudence) mentioned that it is the most authentic from the sayings of scholars. Shaykh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah be merciful to him) said, "It is permissible to offer [the Jumu`ah Prayer] in more than one place if necessary." Imam Al-Sarkhasy mentioned that the most authentic opinion of the Madh-hab (School of Jurisprudence) of Abu Hanifah is that it is permissible to offer it in two Masjids or more in one town. In "Tanwir Al-Absar" and its explanation entitled "Al-Durr Al-Mukhtar", it is written, "It may be offered in many Masjids in one town without any conditions according to the Madh-hab." Al-Khiraqy said, "If the town is large and needs many Masjids, it is permissible to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in any of them." The great scholar Ibn Qudamah clarified this in his commentary entitled "Al-Mughny li Mukhtasar Al-Khiraqy" where he said, "The conclusion is that if the town is too large for the people to gather in one Masjid, or if the Masjid is too narrow, such as in Baghdad, Asbahan and such other large towns, it will be permissible to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in as many Masjids as needed. This is also the opinion of `Ata' and it was approved by Abu Yusuf in Baghdad only, where Hudud (prescribed penalties) were executed there in two places, and the Jumu`ah Prayer was offered in the same places where Hudud were executed. This is the opinion of Ibn Al-Mubarak. Abu Hanifah, Malik and Al-Shafi`y said it is impermissible to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in more than one place in the same town, because the Prophet (Part No. 8; Page No. 266) (peace be upon him) used to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in one Masjid only, and the Rightly-Guided Caliphs followed him. If it had been permissible, they would not have left the other Masjids empty. Ibn `Umar said that the Jumu`ah Prayer cannot be offered except in the great Masjid where the Imam (ruler) offers Salah. It is a Salah for which a congregation and Khutbah (sermon) are prescribed, so it is permissible to offer in any needed place, like Salat-ul-`Eid (the Festival Prayer). It was authentically reported that `Aly (may Allah be pleased with him) used to go on the day of the `Eid to the Musalla (a place for Prayer) and leave Abu Mas`ud Al-Badry with the weak people to lead them in Salah. As for the Prophet (peace be upon him), he did not have to offer more than one Jumu`ah Prayer, as his Companions wanted to hear his Khutbah and offer Salah behind him, even if they were far away, being the one who conveys the message of Allah and the law-giver. When it became necessary in towns, the Jumu`ah Prayer was offered in more than one place and nobody objected to it, so it became an Ijma`. Ibn `Umar meant that it should not be offered in small Masjids while the large Masjids left. As for linking it to Hudud, this analogy is groundless. Abu Dawud said, "I heard Ahmad saying that while a Had was being executed in Al-Madinah, Mus`ab ibn `Umayr came while some people were hiding in a house. He led them in Jumu`ah Prayer and they were forty people." This is the end of the words of Ibn Qudamah. The opinion that states that it is permissible to offer the Jumu`ah Prayer in more than one place in the same town when necessary is the sound one that is compatible with the fundamentals of Shari`ah (Islamic law) and the deeds of the Muslims in the old ages in towns where (Part No. 8; Page No. 267) people needed this.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
