Offering Janazah Prayer for a person who was known to be feeble minded

Q: What is the opinion of Your Eminence on offering Janazah (Funeral) Prayer for a person who was known to be feeble minded? Though he would behave nearly naturally regarding daily life affairs, he was not dependable in many respects, as he could not count, especially money. Likewise, he could do some occupations, such as shepherding and going back home in a natural way along with a company, yet he was deficient in intelligence and lacked social skills. He would also defend himself and would not hurt nobody. However, he was easily deceived and cheated by others. Besides, he never thought of marriage or work till he died, when he was about 40 years old. On his death, the Imam of the neighborhood Masjid declared that no Janazah Prayer should be offered for him and that he may not be buried in Muslim cemeteries on the pretext that he did not offer Salah (Prayer) or observe Sawm (Fast). Thus, the Imam did not offer Janazah Prayer for him and his family took charge of burying him. What is the ruling on such a case? What is the ruling on offering Janazah Prayer for him and consoling his family?Please, be informed that the Imam who gave that Fatwa consoled his family. Since there are few similar cases, what is the opinion of Your Eminence on offering Janazah Prayer for them upon their death? Should they be buried in Muslim cemeteries? Should we console their families on their death or implore mercy for them? Please give us a Fatwa in this regard, may Allah reward you with the best.

A: An feeble-minded person living among Muslims is a Muslim. On their death, they should be washed, shrouded and buried in a Muslim cemetery and Janazah Prayer should be offered for them. (Part No. 7; Page No. 277) Moreover, their families should be consoled and mercy should be implored for him. Thus, they should be considered like any other Muslim. Moreover, they are pardoned and will not be held accountable for not performing Salah or observing Sawm, for they are not Mukallafs (persons meeting the conditions to be held legally accountable for their actions). As for the imam's Fatwa not to offer Janazah Prayer for them and not to bury them in a Muslim cemetery, it is considered an Ijtihad (juristic effort to infer expert legal rulings) which led to a wrong conclusion (we ask Allah to forgive him).May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
