Money on which a Hawl has passed

Q: I have a neighbor who tried to travel to any Arab country and failed. He traveled to Israel with the help of his maternal uncle and stayed there one year and a half. During this period, he spent only one Ramadan where he could not fast the generous and noble month, because his employers in Israel did not want him to fast. Thus he wants to ask Your Eminence:First: What should he do regarding his negligence in fasting during the noble month, noting that it was Ramadan of 1416 A.H. and he did not fast?Second: Is there Zakah (obligatory charity) due on the money he earned out of his work there? It is worth mentioning that he was working in a restaurant. If Zakah is due on him: What is the rate he should pay? Should he calculate Zakah on all the money he saved, or should he first pay off the debts he had before his travel, then calculate Zakah on the rest? A: If this money reaches Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) and one Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) has passed on it, Zakah becomes Wajib (obligatory) on the money. The due rate of Zakah is 2.5%. If he owes some debt, this does not waive Zakah. If he paid the debt before the completion of a Hawl, he should pay Zakah (Part No. 8; Page No. 224

A: If this money reaches Nisab (the minimum amount on which Zakah is due) and one Hawl (one lunar year calculated from the time a property reaches the minimum amount upon which Zakah is due) has passed on it, Zakah becomes Wajib (obligatory) on the money. The due rate of Zakah is 2.5%. If he owes some debt, this does not waive Zakah. If he paid the debt before the completion of a Hawl, he should pay Zakah (Part No. 8; Page No. 224) from the rest of the money upon the completion of a Hawl, provided that the money hits or exceeds the Nisab. If the money was less than the Nisab, there is no Zakah due from it. As for the Sawm (Fast) of Ramadan he missed, he should both make up for it and repent to Allah (Glorified be He) of this.May Allah grant us success. May Allah's peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and Companions.
