Marrying the brother's stepdaughter

Q: My half-uncle on my father's side married a woman who bore him a daughter. He then divorced her and married another woman who bore him a daughter and a son. My half-brother married my uncle's first wife whom he divorced and she bore him a daughter. My uncle's second wife died. Also, my brother passed away after he had divorced his wife. Then, my uncle remarried his first wife. Afterwards, my half-cousin married the daughter of my half-brother and I married my half-cousin. What is the ruling in this regard?

A: If the matter is as you have described, your marriage is valid even though your wife is your brother's step-daughter and the wife of your cousin is the step-daughter of your uncle. (Part No. 18; Page No. 353) May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
