Kaffarah for a forbidden vow

Q: I vowed to fast for the whole month of Rajab, The people of my country are used to honor this month more than any other month, except Ramadan. Since then, I have not fulfilled that vow being busy with life matters. Whenever I postpone Sawm (Fast) to the following year, I become more preoccupied and could not fulfill my vow. Now, am I still obliged to fast for the month of Rajab or it is permissible for me to fast any other month? I am a diabetic and I become very tired by the end of Ramadan. Is it lawful for me to feed poor people as a Kaffarah (expiation) for my unfulfilled vow? I only know one poor family; can I give its member all the food that I must give? If not, should I give the food to a charitable society, such as the society of King `Abdul-`Aziz? Is it preferable to pay money or give food, such as rice? (Part No. 23; Page No. 153) If feeding is not permissible to expiate for broken vows, is it permissible to observe Sawm for ten separate days each month, for example? Kindly give us your Fatwa in this regard. May Allah reward you with the best.

A: You must offer Kaffarah for breaking an oath, because singling out Rajab for Sawm is an act of Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic time of ignorance). The Kaffarah is to feed ten poor people, or provide them with clothing, or emancipate a believing slave. If none of these is affordable, you must observe Sawm for three days.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
