Is paying the Zakah due on the loan one borrowed to be considered a loan that bears interest?

Q: I borrowed a sum of one hundred thousand riyals from my father three years ago. Throughout that period, I paid Zakah (obligatory charity) for my father's money from my own money. The mentioned amount remained as it is and my father approved of what I did. Kindly advise me, may Allah reward you withy the best! Did I commit a sin by paying Zakah for that money on behalf of my father? A: This is not permissible, as it is considered a loan that has brought interest, and any loan that brings interest is considered Riba (usury/interest) by Ijma` (consensus of scholars). Your father bears the obligation of (Part No. 8; Page No. 138

A: This is not permissible, as it is considered a loan that has brought interest, and any loan that brings interest is considered Riba (usury/interest) by Ijma` (consensus of scholars). Your father bears the obligation of (Part No. 8; Page No. 138) paying the Zakah of the money he lent you for all the mentioned years.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
