Invoking other than Allah such as jinn, the dead and absentees and those who follow idolatrous conventions

Q 2: Is the Shirk (associating others with Allah in His Divinity or worship) mentioned in the glorious Ayah include the Muslims who follow some sufi orders such as Al-Tijaniyyah, and Al-Qadiriyyah; or those who wear amulets, whether Ayahs of the Qur’an are inscribed on them or not; or those who embrace Islam but practice some idolatrous traditions?

A: The Shirk mentioned in the Ayah includes whoever seeks the help of anyone other than Allah e.g. The Jinn (creatures created from fire), the dead, or absent people. It also expands to those who have some idolatrous traditions like those of Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic time of ignorance) e.g. Seeking to draw close to other than Allah by making vows and offering sacrifices to other than Allah. Additionally, they beseech them for help, rub their bodies against their graves, and circumambulate around them in hope of their bringing benefit to them or warding off harm. Whoever commits these acts falls under the general meaning of the Mushrik men and women mentioned in the Ayah. It is not lawful to allow them to marry believing women until they embrace true, pure Iman (Faith) and repent of the mentioned polytheistic heresies and their likes that nullify faith. (Part No. 1; Page No. 753) Likewise, a believer should not marry any of such women who practice heresies and polytheistic acts until they quit doing them and repent of their sins.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
