Giving Zakah to my brother, knowing that this is not the Zakah payable by me

Q: I have a brother who is too poor to clear his debt. Is it permissible to give him Zakah money (obligatory charity) which is not from my Zakah but it is the Zakah of some benevolent people. If the answer of the previous question is yes, is it permissible for me to recover some debt from him which I paid to save him from judicial prosecution by the creditors? (Part No. 8; Page No. 370

A: If your brother is severely indebted and unable to clear his debts, it is permissible to pay Zakah to him. This can be done from your own Zakah, according to the correct opinion held by scholars, or from the Zakah of other people who authorized you to distribute their Zakah.With regard to the money that you paid to your brother to save him from legal prosecution, if your intention before giving him the money was to pay it as Zakah, then it counts as Zakah. Otherwise, it is mere Sadaqah (voluntary charity).May Allah grant us success. May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and his Companions!
