Performing Jumu`ah Prayer by security patrols


Q 2: On Friday, the leadership allows soldiers to head to the Masjid (mosque) only after the Salah (Prayer) has begun to be established. It is possible that they are near the location of the Masjid and can listen to the Khutbah (sermon), yet they are assigned to secure wireless connection and are required to move to the sites of the crimes upon receiving any communication (Part No. 7; Page No. 85) to deal with, if any. This may coincide with the time of Jumu`ah (Friday) Prayer, which means that they miss performing it in congregation. What is the ruling on this regard?

A: It is permissible to adopt such a measure, if this is entailed by necessity.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
