Salah of the latecomer


Q 2: It is common in our country that a person who misses two Rak`ahs of `Isha' (Night) Prayer should, after the Imam's Taslim (salutation of peace ending the Prayer), make up for them openly; namely, he recites Al-Fatihah and the Surah after it loudly. Is this act valid? A: The most sound view is that what a latecomer to Salah catches up with the Imam is considered the first part of his Salah and what he makes up for after the Imam's Taslim is the last part. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ...Pray what you catch up with (Imam) and complete what you miss. Another narration reads, "...Pray what you catch up with (Imam) and complete what you miss." For making up for the missed parts implies the completion of these parts. Allah (Part No. 6; Page No. 231

A: The most sound view is that what a latecomer to Salah catches up with the Imam is considered the first part of his Salah and what he makes up for after the Imam's Taslim is the last part. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ...Pray what you catch up with (Imam) and complete what you miss. Another narration reads, "...Pray what you catch up with (Imam) and complete what you miss." For making up for the missed parts implies the completion of these parts. Allah (Part No. 6; Page No. 231) (Glorified be He) says, So when you have accomplished your Manâsik It means that Muslims are to complete the rituals. In other words, the verbs yaqdi, i.e. to make up for, and yutim, i.e. to complete or accomplish, convey the same meaning. Consequently, a person, who misses the first two Rak`ahs of `Isha' Prayer, does not have to recite the Surahs loudly when he makes up for the missed Rak`ahs. As mentioned before, these Rak`ahs are considered the last part of Salah and what he caught up with the Imam is the first part.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
