Making conditional divorce

Q: On Sunday night before sunset, I told my wife to turn off the television, but she refused, I repeated my request several times, but she insisted on refusing, therefore, I told her that if she did not turn it off, she would be divorced, but she did not. However, I did not intend to divorce her, rather I only aimed at threatening and warning her to turn it off, and I testify before Allah that she is my wife, and that I took her back, and Allah is the Best Witness to what I say.

A: If the reality is as you have mentioned, all that you have to do is to offer a Kaffarah (expiation) for a broken oath, which in this case is freeing a believing slave, or feeding ten needy people (Part No. 23; Page No. 45) of the average food that you provide for your family, it suffices you to give ten needy people five Sa`s (1 Sa` = 2.172 kg) of wheat, dates, rice or corn and the like of what you feed your family, half a Sa` for each, or you can clothe ten needy people, as much as a garment for each, but if you can not offer either feeding or clothing, you should fast for three days and it is better to fast them consecutively.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
