Breaking off the engagement


Q: I came to Saudi Arabia traveling from Egypt along with my sister who works as a teacher in Saudi Arabia. Her contract will be terminated by the end of this year because of her circumstances. She did not marry and she does not desire to go back to work again. I did not have a chance to work here as we live in the customs area between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. This area is known as Al-Raq`y, a district in Hafr Al-Batin. This area is devoid of any work opportunity because of the circumstances there after the events of Iraq. Therefore, I will return to Egypt aimless. Two years ago, I graduated from the Faculty Shari`ah and Law, Al-Az-har University, Asiut, Egypt in May 1988, with general grade "good." I proposed to engage a young woman from the same city which is Al-Minya governorate. I could not find work; as fresh graduates cannot take governmental jobs except after five years. (Part No. 18; Page No. 67) I thought that I might find work opportunities when I came with my sister. After coming, I did not have any work opportunity. The period of engagement became too long. Therefore, I decided to terminate my engagement and not to think of marriage anymore in the future because of my difficult circumstances. My family is a poor family. My sister helped my elder brother to get married. She can not do the same thing with me. What I want to ask is: will I be a sinner if I break my engagement because my fiancé has waited for me for two years, though this is out of my control? Will I bear any sin for breaking this engagement after this long period? I hope you will answer my question soon because I will send them my reply concerning pointing out my stance of this engagement. I can not deceive them until I return to Egypt. This is because my work opportunity here is very rare. May Allah reward you well.

A: There will be no blame on you if you terminate your engagement because of these circumstances. May Allah make easy for you all your affairs. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
