Money deposited in chambers of commerce

Q: The Commercial Industrial Chamber in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah is a public organization that represents businessmen, farmers, and members of the industrial sector. It is supervised by the Saudi Ministry of Commerce and is run by an elected board of directors. The Chamber's income is derived from fees collected from businessmen, industrialists and farmers, in addition to revenues from countersigning documents, the chamber's magazine, and an annual subsidy of 200,000 riyals from the Saudi government. The chamber has a surplus sum of almost 5,000,000 riyals and a lunar year has passed. Is Zakah due on this sum or not? Please answer us, may Allah reward you.

A: Zakah is due on the Chamber's surplus funds after every lunar year that passes.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
