Does donating blood create the


Q 1: Does blood transfusion between a man and a woman affect their eligibility for marriage to each other, as when they have breastfeed from the same woman, or not? A: Blood transfusion from a person to another is not the same as breastfeeding, neither linguistically nor legally. As such, it does not take the same rulings of breastfeeding concerning the impermissibility of marriage. Similarly, if it is said that the origin of milk is blood and it should take the same ruling, this is not acceptable because it changes by Allah's will from blood to milk. Thus, it falls under certain rulings different from that of its origin. Furthermore, rulings pertaining to breastfeeding are not open for Ijtihad (juristic effort to infer expert legal rulings), because it is similar to matters of worship, and that is why such rulings are not subject to Qiyas (analogy) comparing feeding to blood. Moreover, the rulings related to breastfeeding are based upon religious texts and are confined to it. They refer to breastfeeding which is based upon a woman's milk after she gives birth as well as the infant having to have breastfed five or more times in the first two years.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions. The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta' Member Member Deputy Chairman Chairman `Abdullah ibn Mani` `Abdullah ibn Ghudayyan `Abdul-Razzaq `Afify Ibrahim ibn Muhammad Al Al-Shaykh (Part No. 21; Page No. 147

Blood transfusion from a person to another is not the same as breastfeeding, neither linguistically nor legally. As such, it does not take the same rulings of breastfeeding concerning the impermissibility of marriage. Similarly, if it is said that the origin of milk is blood and it should take the same ruling, this is not acceptable because it changes by Allah's will from blood to milk. Thus, it falls under certain rulings different from that of its origin. Furthermore, rulings pertaining to breastfeeding are not open for Ijtihad (juristic effort to infer expert legal rulings), because it is similar to matters of worship, and that is why such rulings are not subject to Qiyas (analogy) comparing feeding to blood. Moreover, the rulings related to breastfeeding are based upon religious texts and are confined to it. They refer to breastfeeding which is based upon a woman's milk after she gives birth as well as the infant having to have breastfed five or more times in the first two years.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
